Nobles Summer Seminars
July 7–August 2

Thank you for your interest in Summer Seminars at Nobles. Because of logistical challenges, our program is pausing for summer 2021. Please check back later for updates on our summer 2022 offerings.

Serious—and fun!

Nobles Summer Seminars are an extension of the Nobles academic program, well known as one of the most intense and joyful learning communities in the Boston area—or just about anywhere. Humor is part of the Nobles mission statement, so while we are serious about curiosity and intellectual growth, we also appreciate learning for the fun of it. At Nobles, there is a saying that “relationship before task” is key to teaching and learning. Now, Nobles faculty members are translating their own love of working with students and love of subject matter to the virtual realm. Get inspired by courses like Power & Equality: How to Be a Change Agent; Modern Films of the Spanish-Speaking World; or Poetry Detective Workshop.

Nobles Summer Seminars include these and other incredible offerings. There’s so much to explore, and we can’t wait for you to join us for this summer adventure.

Passion-based courses

Through Nobles Summer Seminars, students learn about relevant, real-world topics. Want to become more facile at building sound arguments by better understanding their hidden structures? Build a portfolio of four short stories as you read the work of inspiring authors? Or take your conversational Spanish to the next level through engaging discussions about Netflix, podcasts and social media? Students can explore these or other emerging interests: Federalism and the founding of America; computer programming; topics in algebra and precalculus; politics and ethics in America, queer literature, short stories, grammar, and much more! We are excited about the richness of these offerings.


The Nobles Summer Seminar experience

Nobles classes are small, so you will get to know your classmates and teachers well and receive personalized attention. Classes include both synchronous and asynchronous components, so you have the opportunity to connect live with teachers and classmates while also engaging in meaningful independent work. Classes will meet three days per week: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for four weeks, July 7–August 2.

What’s the value? Furthering your interests. Engaging fully in areas of curiosity. What else? Learning from teachers with deep experience, who love their topics almost as much as they love teaching young people new things.

Questions? Please email



Why should I take a Nobles Summer Sessions online course?

The courses in the program allow you to pursue your intellectual interests and passions. Due to small class sizes, each course incorporates significant student engagement and allows you to receive targeted feedback. Our experienced Nobles faculty members bring expertise, enthusiasm and a desire to support each and every student who enrolls in the program.

What is the time commitment of a Nobles Summer Sessions online course?

Each course includes three 50-minute online synchronous sessions per week plus an additional 2–3 hours of asynchronous work. Opportunities during the week also exist to meet individually with your teacher.

How are students graded in a Nobles Summer Sessions online program?

Students will receive feedback on each major assignment or project throughout the course. At the conclusion of the course, students will receive a narrative comment that summarizes academic growth and progress. We do not assign course letter grades.

Do I receive high school credit for completing a Nobles Summer Sessions online course?

We do not award formal high school credit as part of the program. We do distribute a certificate of completion that can be shown to registrars or referenced during a high school or college application process.

How much does a Nobles Summer Sessions online program cost?

Classes are $500 with early bird registration through April 30, 2021, plus any required books/materials. Starting May 1, 2021, class prices will be $550. Classes must be paid in full in order to complete registration and guarantee enrollment in a course, and course registration closes on July 1, 2021.

What do I need for class materials?

A working laptop and internet connectivity are necessary for participating in the course. Soon after you are enrolled in your course(s), your teacher(s) will be in touch with you regarding the additional required materials (e.g. novels, calculator).