Afternoon Program

Afternoon Program

Throughout its history, Nobles has been committed to a co-curricular program in which students pursue their interests and develop their talents. Together, Nobles adults and students work towards shared goals in athletics, the arts and service. Up through Class III, students take part in an afternoon program every season (three each year), two of which are physical activities, instilling habits of health and wellness. Our oldest students have the option to sit out one season of the year. The afternoon program is another way that Nobles teaches students the importance of respect for self and others, encouraging teamwork, collaboration and self discovery through artistic expression.


To read updated lists of offerings for the 2022-2023 school year, please visit the following pages:


Fall 2022


Winter 2022-2023


Spring 2023


I have learned an incredible amount from every coach I have had at Nobles, and I know that the relationships I have built with them will last a lifetime—that is something that makes Nobles Athletics so special.Katie Pyne ’21
We are successful in our theatrical endeavors because everyone involved in the process, and everyone leading the process, cares about one another on a level that is rarely seen in high school theatre.Kam Bina ’21



Students involved in the annual musical production


Interscholastic teams offered


Average annual hours of community service through our afternoon program


Students and faculty who attend Nobles performances

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