Upper School Clubs & Organizations

Upper School Clubs & Organizations

Clubs and organizations let students pursue longstanding passions and test out budding interests. They offer space for inspiration. Room for debate. Here, communities are formed and opinions are challenged.


Student interests change every year, so the list of clubs and organizations does too. Some groups have been around for a while, like many of our affinity groups and student magazines. Our a cappella groups and other musical groups are assembly regulars.

While clubs are open to anyone and everyone who wants to learn to play chess, decorate cookies, discuss international affairs, raise awareness for marine conservation, and much more, there are also a variety of student organizations that offer students the chance to lead.

Nobles also offers a variety of student-run clubs and organizations that are focused on mental health and wellbeing, including Nobles Heads Together, The Body Positive, and The Hidden Opponent.


The School Life Council (SLC) works with our provost to plan school-wide events and improve school tone and culture, and its members come from each of the six classes. The Peer Help Program (PHP) works to continuously improve the student experience at Nobles. They run a peer tutoring program and a NEDTalk series that gets students and faculty up in assembly to share their stories. Senior prefects meet with the head of school regularly and run morning assembly.

Other student groups include Nobelium, a student-run science publication, Jewish Culture Club, Outing Club and the Nobles Theatre Collective.

These groups meet during free blocks during and after the school day. Want to start your own club? Get together some people, make the argument and go for it.